Welcome to our Company
Jaroslav Čermák
Founder & Owner
It all started with a little know-how but a lot passion in the year 2000. We started to make high quality composite airplane models for the local market. Their success however outreached our highest expectations. We have started to receive orders from the USA, China, Japan, Australia and of course from many European countries. Since the original idea, we have managed to sell over 1800 models, from the smallest 1,5m wing span to the largest 6 metres versions, worth more than 1,8 million dollars.
We love to accept new challenges, one of the biggest was to make the fastest airplane model in the world. We teamed up with one of our US clients and made Kinetic Transonic DP. Airplane which has to sustain more than 100g´s and fly just at the edge of sound barrier. It worker and we broke a world record by reaching speed of 545 mph.
In the past years we started to work for armed forces on construction and development of UAVs. The level of confidentiality was unprecedented as well as the responsibility we have to carry. We are prepared to do so during any other project in the future.
Currently, we are able to help you with any type of composite structure up to 6 metres size. You may also use our capacities in 3D modeling and 3D scanning, which are so important in prototype making. What may come in handy is also CNC milling with accuracy of up to 0,003 inches (0,08mm).

experiences more than 17 years
we deliver quality
We are pasionate
Professional Services
custom production
About Company
Jaroslav Čermák
Founder & Owner
We love to accept new challenges, one of the biggest was to make the fastest airplane model in the world.
Contact us
Company address
Jaroslav Čermák
Piletická 486/19 – letiště
503 41 Hradec Králové